Sunday, June 04, 2006

They're Home!!!!

They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home.

OK , so I'm a little excited! Danny and I are still debriefing-I know his body's here but I am not sure if his mind is yet. I'm sure there will be more from Danny and hopefully others to sum up their experiences but I just wanted ya'll to know that they are home.

Thank you for your prayers, they were felt and needed. Thank you Terry for checking on me and making sure the kids and I were ok. Thanks Josh for taking care of the yard and the "man stuff" at my house while "The Man" was gone. Thanks Lanie for stepping in and taking care of things at church. Thanks Daddy for helping me out-I guess I'll always be Daddy's Girl. Thanks Joyce for helping me out with stuff I didn't understand but soon will-hee hee. Thanks to everyone at school who was interested to hear about Danny.

Oh yeah did I say...They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home. They're home.


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